Sunday, April 21, 2002

Good morning, USA!!! Oi, my huge Galleria premiere is today. I had to make 49 minature chocolate mice on cookies for the occassion. Hai, I'm also a culinary artist, and by far, that's what most of my stuff gets noticed for! Well, it's only a two hour engagement and all I have to do is just stand there and smile while the critics make themselves complete idiots!! HAH, THERE IS NO DEEPER MEANING IN MY ELIJAH WOOD PORTRAIT!!

Okay, for the LOTR stuff for today, I've taken a couple more quizzes, one that is slash based! It was totally fun, I loved the results and of course, I had to retake it until I got my favorite coupling, ArargornxFrodo... BWAHAHAHAHA!! I used to never be that heavy into that coupling but thanks for Lily Baggins, Amy Fortuna, and Minna, I'm a complete addict now! YOSHA TO YOU GUYS!

What's your FOTR slash pairing?

Isn't this just absolutely fabulous?... Oh yah, and I took to see what actor I'd be out of LOTR! This isn't a huge suprise when I think about it, being I am an Art major and I tend to do my own thing!

I am...

I'm Viggo Mortensen!

Which Fellowship Actor are YOU?

All I can say is YUM to that matching and for once I'm NOT the elf!! Yay!... ::grins::

Anyhoo, gotta go and get pretty for premiere, I hate these fancy occassions. As soon as I find more out about the anime "Betterman" I'll post here with info, hai? Ja for now!

RANDOM LOTR THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Do as Legolas does... Stay really still and say next to nothing at all...

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