Wednesday, May 08, 2002

Woo-hoo, I am finished with my one and only final I had to take for this semester! ::does her happy dance:: Man, I luv being an Art Major some times, the tests you have to take are a snap! Of course, this was for my Humanities class, but it was an essay test, and those are a mega breeze for me! Especially when Hamlet is the main topic, I adore Shakespeare!

Well, I pick my poor Prince of Mirkwood up from the airport tomorrow. ::LAUGHS:: He really does think I'm a screamin Otaku Fan Girl over Legochan... ::grinz:: Actually, I'm more addicted to Aragorn (YUMMMMM, VIGGOOOOOOOO....) and of course, Eomer (YUMMMMMM, KARLLLLLL) Heh, yah, I'm a sad addict!

LotR news, I actually provided a permanent link to the Library of Moria at the side bar since it's one of my favorite LotR slash sites! ::SMILES:: The hosts of the site are fab and it's got some of the best fiction for all pairings around and VERY easy to navigate! I'm thinking about tossing my hand at a little LotR fiction myself, what do you think, minnasan?...

Well, that's all for now, I've got to get ready for work. This will be my last post prolly until Graduation day on Saturday. Unless I can convince my Legochan to say something on my blog. ::giggles:: Until then minnasan, ja!

RANDOM LOTR THOUGHT OF THE DAY: Best to follow Gandalf's advice to take the corridor that smells less foul... This however is void if Aragorn is standing in front of one of the corridors and still has not bathed...

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