Thursday, September 26, 2002

I am pleased to say that I put out even more applications for new jobs today! One I stumbled across by accident when I wandered into a flower shop (one of my biggest passions in the world is growing flowers) and found out they actually were hiring a florist! She had me fill out an application on the spot and plans to call me in a couple days! Yosha!! Things are starting to look up already and I've even got my interview with the newspaper people tomorrow! Keep your fingers crossed for me, minnasan!

Well, I just finished uploading some of my convention pictures to Cosplay Labs and They're the same pictures, but some times is easier to navigate! At both places I'm known as Miracle Shining in the cosplayers section or the Members Galleries. Please go ahead and take a look, I don't know what happened, but some of these pictures clarity just kinda got sucked out of them on the CD copy, but look great in reality!

For my members gallery, visit and look for Miracle Shining.

For my profile and gallery, visit The Cosplay Lab and look for Miracle Shining under the Cosplayers section!

The pictures are pretty nice, I just wish they would have turned out nicer when they burned them to the CD! Oh well, maybe I'll just have Oniisan and Sissy scan them again and make the pictures clearer for the time being!

Took more quizzes of course. The first one is what kind of character you'd be from Final Fantasy IX. I was never a big fan of IX until I saw Salamander and then I saw Zidane, and it was LUV at first sight! Here are my results!

You are kuja
You love thinking about yourself. You are very evil too >3 Something gets in your way, you just destroy it. But really, you are a nice person deep inside ;P

take this quiz!

::laughs:: Oh come on, you knwe I was evil like Kujasama, didn't you?! Ooh, I dig Kuja alot 'cuz he just is that nuts. Plus this little icon moves about and any man who can wear a g-string styled outfit automatically has my thumbs up!

LotR news for today actually happens to be the second quiz I took! This was to find out what kind of fan you are in relation to LotR. The results could not have been any truer!!!!!

What type of LotR fan are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Nice to know that with all my LotR art and costuming I'm making the world a better place, ne? Now, I just have start on Yukichan's Arwen gown, and I'll be making it an even better place! Also, I might splurge and go and get more of those lovely Art Box 3-D cards since they're so cheap!

Well, that's all for now minnasan! I hope you like the cosplay photos, gomen ne that some of them aren't nicer! I'll have nicer ones again soon, I hope! Ja ne for now!

RANDOM LOTR THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You Know You Watch Too Much LotR When: You tell everyone that the blood of Isuldir still flows through you... And they believe it...

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